I’m Padma,

Career Coach and founder of Career Success by Design

As an experienced Recruitment Expert and Career Coach, I have been helping women for over 20+ years women to BE, DO and HAVE the career they deserve.

I have condensed this into my tried, tested and successful Land THE Job : Group Coaching, a transformational programme that empowers women to design their careers and create the life they have always desired.

Head shot of Padma
Design your career success

How to Work with Me

the back of a woman with curly brown hair looking at a laptop screen while on a zoom call with Padma

Career Clarity Session

Whether you need training or coaching in a specific area of your job search, a CV review, LinkedIn profile boost to interview practice, I’m your wing woman that will give you the tactics you need to reach your goals quicker.


Young Chinese woman working in office

1:1 Career Success Redefined

My 1:1 Career Coaching Programme is about trust and working in partnership with you, guiding you towards career clarity, plan a career change, return to work, gain confidence to get the promotion or ask for a pay rise.


Two successful women brainstorming on whiteboard

Land THE Job - Group Coaching

Group coaching programme for ambitious midlife women who want a job they’re worthy of: Using my tried and tested 3D Method : Dream it, Design it, Do it.


drawn arrow down
Dream it. Design it. Do it.

Land THE Job : Group Coaching

(and the 3D Method)

Feeling uninspired, bored and stuck?

Let me help you gain the confidence, clarity and job that you deserve.

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Let's work together!

Allow me the privilege of empowering you to  pave the path to finding work that you LOVE and is aligned to your purpose!

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